How to destroy a country

Jimmy Shrake
2 min readJun 28, 2020

Any of this seem familiar?

1.) You aren’t who you think you are.
2.) Guilt: You are bad.
3.) Self-betrayal: Agree with me that you are bad.
4.) Breaking point: Who am I, where am I and what am I supposed to do?

5.) Leniency: I can help you.
6.) Compulsion to confession: You can help yourself.
7.) Channeling of guilt: This is why you’re in pain.
8.) Releasing of guilt: It’s not me; it’s just my beliefs.

9.) If you want, you can choose “good”.
10.) Final confession and rebirth: I choose “good”.

What this list is, is the 10 step “how to” for the process of brainwashing.

More than 50 years ago, psychologist Robert Jay Lifton studied former prisoners of Korean War and Chinese war prison camps. He determined that they’d undergone a multistep brainwashing process which began with attacks on their sense of self and ended with an apparent change in beliefs. Lifton ultimately defined a set of steps involved in the cases of brainwashing studied, roughly dividing them into three stages: breaking down the self, introducing the possibility of salvation, and rebuilding the self.

Ideas like white privilege, white fragility, patriarchy, homophobia, systemic racism, to name just a few, accomplish Stage 1. You are bad whether you know it or not and regardless of what you have done or haven’t done, you are bad. If you deny being bad, that is extra proof of how bad you actually are. There is no escape, except stage 2.

Examples of Stage 2 are all over the place. Self-flagellating “progressives” competing with each other for who feels more guilty and more shameful about how they were … born.

At Stage 3 you have been brainwashed. The brain washers now control you. You wash their feet and do their bidding. Which was the goal all along. Power and control … over you.

We have collectively lost our identity as Americans. Identity politics is splintering all of us into smaller and smaller sub-groups, mostly based on race, sexual orientation and gender, with some groups being deemed better and less guilty than others.

This process will not stop on its own. Groups will keep being fragmented and categorized to feed the outrage and indignation necessary to keep the machine running. Members of more and more groups will be dehumanized and devoured.

Eventually it will come for you. No matter how safe you feel today based on today’s group rankings and definitions and no matter what you have or have not done. It will also create an equal and opposite reaction, an equally dangerous one.

You have been warned.

Bigot (definition): a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.

We need civil open dialog, civil open debate, and shared values, including patriotism! Not additional facebook and self-imposed censorship, additional guilt, additional resentment and the destruction of history. We need a coherent inclusive national identity. One that is not cancerous, guilt ridden and self-devouring. Which is what we have now.

